Thursday, November 7, 2019

Supriya Panjiyar Essays (926 words) - GermanyMexico Relations

Supriya Panjiyar Essays (926 words) - GermanyMexico Relations Supriya Panjiyar Professor. Tara Kirk History 1302-21418 26 November 2017 Zimmerman Telegram Zimmerman telegram was an encrypted message written by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann sent to the German ambassador in Mexico, Heinrich Von Eckardt. The encrypted message was an instruction to the German Ambassador that if the neutral United States entered the war against the allies, Von Eckardt was to offer Mexico an alliance. And in return of Mexico's alliance, it would receive territories which were previously lost by them to the United States. It is significant in American history because it accelerated America's march to the war. The Zimmermann Telegram was sent on January 17, 1917. It was decoded by the British cryptographic office known as "Room 40" and was handed to the United States on February 24, 1917. It was published on the front pages of various newspapers nationwide by March 1. On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson changed the policy of neutrality and asked the congress to declare war against the German and the central powers. Great Depression The Great Depression was one of the worst economic contraction of the American history. It began in 1929 and lasted till 1941. The Great Depression resulted in the unemployment and poverty of countless American people. It started after the stock market crashed on October 1929. It put Wall Street into panic and cleared out millions of investors. During 1932-1933 which was the lowest point of the depression about 15 million Americans were unemployed and the national income had dropped by more than 50 percent. After Franklin D. Roosevelt won the Presidential election, he made some reforms in order to get rid of the great depression. First he ordered a "four day" bank holiday so that the congress could pass rearranged legislation and reopen those banks. He also addressed to the public directly through the radio and interacted with them. He introduced a set of programs and acts called the New Deals which helped in reshaping the different sectors of bank, agriculture, economy, etc. one of the programs of the New Deal was Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which built dams and hydroelectric projects and Work Progress Administration (WPA), which provided job to about 8 million people from 1935 to 1943. The New Deal helped in some extents to decrease the Great Depression but the World War II ended the Great Depression. New Deal After Franklin D. Roosevelt won the presidential election 1932 he mentioned New Deal in his speech. It became the identifying terms of Roosevelt's candidacy and presidency. The New Deal was a number of programs and projects which helped America to decrease the Great Depression which had been going on since few years. "The New Deal greatly increased the size, power, and cost of the federal government." (New Deal) It played an important role in transforming American politics which made the Democratic Party the new majority party of the country. The sole purpose of the New Deal was to cope with the Great Depression. The three main goals of the New Deal were- to achieve economic recovery from the great depression; to provide help and relief to the unemployed and those in poverty until recovery was achieved and to reform the social and economic status to prevent another such depression. In 1933, the New deal set two programs in action called the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) to bring reforms in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. The other acts included Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) which strengthened the banking sector, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) which improved the stock and market. The New Deals did not fully helped in recovering from the great depression but it helped decrease it in some extent. Holocaust The mass murder of over 6 million European Jews including some Gypsies and Homosexual by the German Nazis during the World War II was named as Holocaust. In May7, 1945 around 6 million European Jews were prisoned and isolated in ghettos where they were tortured, mistreated and killed, shot in mass and sent to concentration camps where they were gassed, shot, hanged, tortured and often put on cruel medical experiments. The word "Holocaust" is derived from the Greek words "holos" (whole)

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