Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Ashlee Simpson :: essays research papers

Ashlee Simpson The name of the performer was Ashlee Simpson. The date of the concert was on Saturday January. 8th, 2005. This concert took place at The Mall of America. This was Ashlee’s first concert in Minnesota and her first time at The Mall of America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The setting was a small stage set up at a big open area in the mall. It was a circular area. Also there were three floors you could see the stage from. This concert was not a concert that you had to buy tickets for. You could just come to The Mall of America and see Ashlee perform. So it was on a first come first serve basis. If you did not get there early enough you wouldnt get a spot to see the stage. The whole time you were there you had to stand. There were no assigned seats. So if you are not very tall, you better hope that you get a front row spot, or else you wont be able to see a thing. So with a lot of people standing around you there is a lot of people who try and get in front of you, and there is a lot of pushing and shoving. So it got a little fusturating and crowded at times. So I would defiently not recommend this kind of setting for a concert. It is just to much of a hassle with all the people around. It is much easier when you have your own seat, t hat you know is yours and no one is going to take it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There was no program for this concert. I have been to numerous concerts like the Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, and the Dixie Chicks and there has never been a program for the concert. Probley because there is to many people to give programs out too. When you don’t have a program, you never know what song is going to be performed next or if there is going to be a break between songs. It really doesn’t matter to me that there was not a program, because I already knew all of Ashlee’s songs from her album and I liked them all. So I knew that whatever song she performed would be great. Ashlee’s style of music is a mixture of punk rock and pop music. She has such a unique style, that its hard to distinguish what style of music she sings.

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